Info by Matt Cole


Every Book a Teacher?

     Understanding the current society feeds on quick intel, and just give me the bullet points attitude, few take the time to dig deeper. We are shortchanging and depriving ourselves.  Every book we read is a potential teacher. Reading is a systematic process for learning the essential meanings of that teacher. When we become…

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Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

There are two fundamental logical processes accepted. These are the inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. One form of reasoning can be acquired from the other. Inductive Reasoning You can define inductive reasoning as a method bringing broad generalization through specific observations. More importantly, repeated experimentation and testing provides the same results. When this repeated outcome…

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The Philosophical Look at The Matrix

There are so many videos out there in the philosophical meaning for The Matrix. Admittedly, I come across some really standing out and well spoken. So much so, to replicate it would be an injustice. The Matrix is based on a philosophical question posed by the 17th Century French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes. Wake Up There is…

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The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

One of the better books I have come across on critical thinking is the book titled, ‘The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking.’  The authors are Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird. Each mathematicians, which is interesting it itself.  While the book is small, 150 pages, it is condensed to the pure quality content. No fluff,…

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P.A.R.A. Technique

I have been looking at content in relation to the P.A.R.A. technique and find it interesting. What is the P.A.R.A. technique? Glad you asked. P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives, the four top-level categories that encompass every type of information you might encounter in your work and life. The idea is to have four primary categories, where you…

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Neom – The Future City?

The public watching futuristic movies gets a peek of what cities could be. The issue is attempting to change old infrastructure with new is very expensive. We see this play out, where it is more cost in-hibate to upgrade, as opposed to laying down new infrastructure with current technology. Therefore, the plans to lay down…

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Mixing Genes – Genetic Manipulation

Entertainment through movies has portrayed the possibility of mixing human and animal genetics. This is either done to improve the human body[ IE Transhumanism ](Superheros) or horrific results (The Fly). Today, this is not reserved only on the screens. The term is chimaera. By definition, a chimaera is an organism that contains at least two…

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First 'Living' Robots via Stem Cells?

Utilizing supercomputers, scientists are now using frog stem cells in constructing the first living robots. By assembling cells from African clawed frogs into tiny robots, the living robots will be able to move, regenerate, and carry payloads. These are living programmable organisms. Shown here is a Xenobot with four legs. While they can regenerate and…

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