Multitasking Your Life Away

Are You Multitasking Your Life Away?

This is a fascinating presentation involving the dangers of multitasking by Cliff Nass provided in Tedx. 

While I knew multitasking was a misnomer, due to we are not capable of processing multiple tasks at the same time, I had not realized how it negatively affected other aspects of our lives.

The lecture uses Barney the Dinosaur as an example, emotion is being reconstructed from physical face-to-face relation with virtual relation.

The seemingly harmless tune actually conveys virtually is as good as physically.

Couple this message to only real friends are online, and you can see the power of social media platforms.

The lecture goes on to say each new technology or service appearing, it steals from us. 

While we can expect to see media stealing from media (movies replacing books, internet replacing movies), the issue is so much media, rather than replace, we consume more at the same time, ie: parallel play.

This is shown with kids switching (multi-tasking) between social media platforms, online video content, TV, and phone at once. 

This causes the brain to be restructured, stealing from our own knowledge resource, causing personal deficits. 

What’s Worse?

Even more, detrimental is those believing to be efficient at multitasking are poor and no good at it. 

This false personification is damaging.

The individual high multitasker uses more brain activity, with poorer results.

I highly suggest removing your multitasking activities aside and really listen to this presentation. 

You might also be interested in the ZettelKasten Method

Have a good day and don’t fall into this trap.

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Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. While not working full-time supporting the family, offering resources to improve critical thinking, technical skills.   
