Batch File – Cleaning the Desktop

This is a Windows Batch File, created to quickly move files from the desktop to specific folders. I grew tired of cleaning my desktop from those gathering files.

In this video, I cover what a batch (bat) file is and how you can utilize it to automate mundane tasks. I provide one I created, which I use every week, to automatically clean my desktop.

The purpose was to quickly clean off my desktop, as it tends to gather files. More importantly, it pushes those files to a specific folder, which is a specific hierarchy on my PC. This allows me to quickly find the files when I need them, without chasing them.

Below is the actual code I had created. You will notice I grouped similar file types together for ease of revision and reading.

REM -- Batch File created to push files to specific folders
REM -- Clean up Desktop
REM -- Created 11.27.19 via Matt Cole
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------

@echo on

REM -- Moves Excel Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.xlsx"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Excel\*.xlsx" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.xls"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Excel\*.xls" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.csv"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Excel\*.csv" 

del *.xlsx
del *.xls
del *.csv

REM -- Moves Word Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.docx"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Word\*.docx" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.doc"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Word\*.doc" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.rtf"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Word\*.rtf"

del *.rtf
del *.docx
del *.doc

REM -- Moves Pics

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.png"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.png" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.bmp"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.bmp" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.jpg"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.jpg" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.JPEG"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.JPEG" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.JFIF"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.JFIF" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.webp"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.webp" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.PSD"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.PSD" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.gif"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Pics\*.gif" 

del *.jpg
del *.png
del *.bmp
del *.JPEG
del *.JFIF
del *.webp
del *.PSD
del *.gif

REM -- Moves Archived (Zip)

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.zip"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Archived\*.zip" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.rar"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Archived\*.rar" 
del *.zip
del *.rar

REM -- Moves ini files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.zip"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\INI\*.ini" 
del *.ini

REM -- Moves PDF files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.pdf"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Adobe\*.pdf" 
del *.pdf

REM -- Moves Publisher files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.pub"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Publisher\*.pub" 
del *.pub

REM -- Moves Text files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.txt"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Text\*.txt" 
del *.txt

REM -- Moves MP3 and Video Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.mp3"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Media\*.mp3" 
del *.mp3

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.mp4"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Media\*.mp4" 
del *.mp4

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.mov"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Media\*.mov" 
del *.mov

REM -- move Dat Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.dat"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Dat\*.dat" 
del *.dat

REM -- Moves PowerPoint Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.pptx"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\PowerPoint\*.pptx" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.ppt"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\PowerPoint\*.ppt" 

del *.pptx
del *.ppt

REM -- Moves Visio Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.vsdx"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Visio\*.vsdx" 
copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.vsd"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Visio\*.vsd" 

del *.vsdx
del *.vsd

REM -- Moves Project Plan Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.mpp"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Project\*.mpp" 
del *.mpp

REM -- Moves Ebooks Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.epub"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\EBooks\*.epub" 
del *.epub

REM -- Moves Executible Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.msi"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Executables\*.msi" 
del *.msi

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.exe"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Executables\*.exe" 
del *.exe

REM -- Moves Teableau Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.twbx"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Tableau\*.twbx" 

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.twb"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\Tableau\*.twb" 
del *.twbx
del *.twb

REM -- Moves Python Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.py"  "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\PythonScript\*.py" 
del *.py

REM -- Moves Shortcut Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.lnk"  "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\Shortcuts\*.lnk" 
del *.lnk

REM -- Moves PPK Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.ppk"  "C:\MattCole\A_Files\PPK\*.ppk" 
del *.ppk

The REM statement is ‘Remark’ and anything followed by REM is ignored by the batch file. This is done primarily to create a comment to the author or others reviewing the code. I cannot say enough, to provide comments. If no comment is provided, you will come in later wondering why you wrote this code in a particular way. A good resource on Batch File commands can be found here.

The batch script is purposefully create to be simple. The same sequence occurs for each file on my desktop.

A) Copies file(s) to a dedicated folder.

B) Deletes file(s) from desktop.

Your not limited to only a specific main folder. Notice how I move my shortcuts to a shortcut folder on my desktop.

REM -- Moves Shortcut Files

copy "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\*.lnk"  "C:\Users\colem\Desktop\Shortcuts\*.lnk" 
del *.lnk

Maybe this will give you some additional ideas to help automate mundane tasks. You may also find my article on Python Programming History interesting.

Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. He has a desire to share critical thinking and information. With a Masters in Information Technology and a wide array of certifications, while not working full-time, he wishes to knowledge share through providing insight, information organization, and critical thinking skills.

#KnowledgeShare | Matt Cole | #infobyMattCole