Info by Matt Cole

12 Habits of Successful People

Success can be defined by many things. When one thinks of success, the idea tends to lean toward those making it big in this world. Cornelius Vanderbilt (May 27, 1794 – 1877) Vanderbilt amassed his fortune through his dominance of railroads and shipping. He built and controlled many of the most significant railroads in America,…

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Cycle of the Habit

By definition a habit a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. A more psychological definition is, A long-standing pattern of learned behavior; often contrasted with a specific way. See SET. set, which is a temporary or recently Habit is one of the most pervasive of all aspects of behavior….

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The Knowledge Base

One of the areas I find myself circling back too is the knowledge base. Perhaps I spend too much energy, but I want to get the best method in maintaining resources, citations, definitions, and overall knowledge content. This must be in a repository for easy use. By definition a knowledge base is a technology used…

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The Power of a Note-Taker

Let’s face it, we cannot recall everything. Sure there are those out there providing methods to memory recall. However, if you learning something new, or have that awesome nugget of information come your way, what better way than write it down for later. Writing next week’s newsletter, I came across some pretty solid evidence note-taking…

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Get Things Done (GTD)

When you delve into the time-management, organization subject, GTD comes up quickly. David Allen has created a legion of believers with his phenomenon concept. Since then, additional concepts and expanded methods have been created, based off his core philosophy. I recently wrote on P.A.R.A. technique. What exactly is the GTD way? Charles Duhigg comments in…

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What is a Data Set?

Data sets are used all the time. Those outside of the world of metrics and computers put little thought into it. However, all processes, actions, and movement provide information in a data set. By definition a data set is a collection of information organized as a stream of bytes in logical record and block structures…

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