Info by Matt Cole

Negative Visualization – Stoicism

As our world continues to be impacted by uncertain times, prepping has surged again. The idea is to prepare for x things to occur. X being anything from natural disasters, economic collapse, rioting, looting, just pick one. The issue is the individual cannot prepare for anything and everything. They can only prepare (if lucky) for…

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Bullet Journaling

Bullet Journaling is a method for the personal organization via a notebook. This ideal ‘create your own needs’ is given to Ryder Carroll. The purpose is to have one source, providing to-do lists, brainstorming, budgets, scheduling, and a myriad of other organizational tasks and record keeping. There are tons of companies, both small and large…

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Timeboxing Technique

We strive to make the most out of the day. However, time tends to run, even when we do not pay attention to it. If you do not plan time out, then it will run wild. In project management, a technique often used is timeboxing. This simple technique can become a powerful tool to become…

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Proximate Cause

Reading Nir Eyal book, #Indistractible , the term proximate causes is discussed in chapter three. By definition, proximate cause is “an event which is closest to, or immediately responsible for causing, some observed result.” This is also known as a distal (away from the center/outer part) cause. In other words, it is observed and at first…

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Choosing a Mentor – Seneca Letter

The letters of Seneca to Lucilius is a fascinating glimpse involving Stoic philosophy. Interestingly the Stoics were willing to pull from other schools of thought if they found them beneficial. We see Seneca commenting more than once of Epicureanism, another school during the time, ran by Epicurus. The constant desire to better ourselves should be…

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Types of Project Management

There are multiple forms of Project Management. Depending on the task or goal, one form may be better suited to use over another. I wanted to take a moment to look at what a Project Management is and some of the more known types. What is Project Management Before we provide a definition, let’s consider…

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The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking

One of the better books I have come across on critical thinking is the book titled, ‘The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking.’  The authors are Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird. Each mathematicians, which is interesting it itself.  While the book is small, 150 pages, it is condensed to the pure quality content. No fluff,…

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Neom – The Future City?

The public watching futuristic movies gets a peek of what cities could be. The issue is attempting to change old infrastructure with new is very expensive. We see this play out, where it is more cost in-hibate to upgrade, as opposed to laying down new infrastructure with current technology. Therefore, the plans to lay down…

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