New and Shiny Does not Equal Process

New and Shiny Does not Equal Process

“Creative products are always shiny and new; the creative process is ancient and unchanging.”

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Too often we become fascinated with the advanced or upgraded version. Whether this involves technology, tools, or anything you want to include. Generally, the update is to increase efficiency or make your life/chores more simple. Silvano refers to ‘creative process’. but we can take this same concept and apply it to our workflow, tasks, responsibilities, Ect. 

Two types in the scenario include those creating and those building the tools for the creator. If we strip away the new and shiny we are left with the process. The process forces us to think critically as we attempt to remove redundancy, increase efficiency while maintaining stability. It is this process that never changes. 

We may acquire new knowledge and tools to help the process, but the process in and of itself remains the same. 

 I am starting to work on creating a memory bank. With this, I am reviewing a lot of content and material involving knowledge bases. The more content I review, it is becoming easier to strip away the layers and uncover the process. 

Once I see the process, then I can adapt the proper tools and techniques to reflect what is best for me. When someone offers the new shiny, ask yourself, does this enhance the process or is it simply new. 

 #infobymattcole #creatingamemorybank  #quotes #arieti


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