Education System Suppressing Critical Thinking

I have been conveying my observation in the loss of critical thinking, involving the youth. I recently found an article that supports that claim.

We see the downfall of self-reflection, deep learning, critical thinking, it is nice to provide accurate backing to support those claims.

The article, written in 2018, conveys the kids desire to learn, but are unable to, due to the current setting within the Education system. The system itself is setup to fail the child.

I have found that the vast majority of them want to learn. But true to stereotype, I increasingly find that most of them cannot think, don’t know very much, and are enslaved to their appetites and feelings.

– Adam MacLeod — ‘Undoing teh Dis-Education of Millennials’

This is exactly what I am seeing unfolding. The current younger generation runs on feelings, rather than critical thinking. The system has failed this generation. And I fear, like the movie ‘Idiocracy‘, it doesn’t look to get any better.

How is the current system failing the students in Critical Thinking?

The article spells out nine such examples. Any of these look familiar within your area school or organization?

  1. Promoting students who haven’t first mastered primary skills;
  2. Deluding the value of important subjects that sharpen thinking skills and deepen understanding (like math, science, history, logic, and language);
  3. Rewarding students indiscriminately not by ability or achievement, but by race, gender, color or background;
  4. Teaching reading by the look-say, not the phonic method;
  5. Grouping students in a class heterogeneously, not homogeneously in order to make it harder for teachers to teach;
  6. Reducing learning to the common denominator with special-needs students as the benchmark;
  7. Favoring indoctrination and rote learning to the Socratic approach to teaching;
  8. Coddling students and stroking their self-esteem while ignoring their education;
  9. And giving students the power to compromise teachers who dare to challenge them. [Source]

I have made it a mission to provide tools for organization skills and utilizing critical thinking and have online courses available.

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There is a reason why so many ‘abled’ parents are shifting to home school or alternatively seeking outside resources. They are trying to instill the basics, and fill in the void the current Education System has suppressed. Unfortunately, many are without this option or resource.

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Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. He has a desire to share critical thinking and information. With a Masters in Information Technology and a wide array of certifications, while not working full-time, he wishes to knowledge share through providing insight, information organization, and critical thinking skills.

#KnowledgeShare | Matt Cole | #infobyMattCole