Info by Matt Cole


What Exactly is Root Cause Analysis?

The term Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is used a lot within the confines of Information Technology (IT). But what is it exactly? By definition Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving method which is used to pinpoint the exact cause of a problem or event. This method finds the true or actual cause of the…

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Blocks of Time

I came across a YouTube video conveying an idea, I really like, which led to an interesting article, that led to action taken on the idea. How did I end up here? Let me back up. My wife’s birthday is coming up and she is a hardcore paper journal, day keeper. I have tried to…

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What is Critical Thinking

I have commented before, our youth has lost their ability to critically think. However, what exactly is critical thinking? Have we, as the generation before, failed our youth in teaching the art of critical thinking? What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking can be seen as having two components: 1) a set of information and belief…

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When we Pivot

Pivot is the act of turning or a person or thing on which something depends; the central or crucial factor. I mentioned the need to pivot in another article I wrote. What does it mean to Pivot? When something isn’t working, you need to pivot (change) to something else. Basically, it is a switch to…

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The Pomodoro Technique

Life continues to become complicated, with many streams coming at you. All in order to take your most precious commodity, time. I want to introduce the Pomodoro Technique. I unique, simple method to help you focus on a task, with a burst of hyper-focus. The best part, it requires no apps, item purchase, or unrealistic…

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Critical Thinking

Admittedly, I am pretty harsh on the up coming generation. I find they appear to lose the ability to critically think, have no knowledge of history, and seems to focus on the ‘now’ as well as ‘quick fixes.’ However, the fault lies upon the prior generation, for not giving them the skills to overcome. With…

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A Look at Cozi

Cozi is a website and mobile app intended to help families stay organized. Its features include allowing multiple family members to manage schedules with one account, as well as organize and update shopping and to-do lists. [mc4wp_form id=”121652″] A look at Cozi. What it looks like, the functionality, and how I personally use it.

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The 5 Phases of Project Management

When reviewing any form of Project Management (PM), most agree there are five main phases. The Primary Five Phases include: Initiation Planning Execution Monitoring Closure Initiation This is when you will research whether the project is feasible and if it should be undertaken. If feasibility testing needs to be done, this is the stage of…

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The Four Quadrants-Time Management

There is a technique to help prioritize your tasks, and clear your mind. The four quadrants is used to help to be more efficient, but more importantly identify those tasks required to complete first. Personally, I first heard of this concept through Stephen Covey’s ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effect People.’ The matrix is known as…

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