As every divided kingdom falls, so every mind divided between many studies confounds and saps itself.
Division is natural, as many individuals having many personal worldviews. Due to living in a dualaity reality, most tend to branch into two main divisions. While many differing variables remain, this pardigm of having two sides remain.
Vinci does not even question the failure of a nation or kingdom when division occurs within. This statement is a fact, rather than a simple observation or thought. Rather, he uses this fact, and compares it to an individuals mind being divided over studies. The term studies is the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge or understanding. What da Vinci is saying is, if someone does not focus on one subject deeply, rather focus on many things shallow, it does little good. The saps means to weaken or destroy. The confounds mean to cause confusion.
If the individual’s focus is shattered to many things at once, then confusion and harm will come to that individual. This is much like an issue on attention.
Within America, about 6.1 million children in the ages 2 to 17 have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD. This was from a 2016 study. By 2017 1 in 10 have been diagnosed. That number continues to increase, as Americans. The question of genesis remains debatable. Is it due to digital media, or does digital media shine light on the subject?
As perpetrators continue to divide America, the public must refrain from being triggered and stop thinking emotionally. Rational and critical thinking is needed more than ever.
Equally important, the individual must remain stable, not double minded, being led like a trained animal. As da Vinci said, to have the mind divided in many studies, it will confound and sap the individual.
#infobymattcole #podcast #LeonardodaVinci