Info by Matt Cole

The Three Pillars to Make You Academically Deadly

The Three Pillars to Make You Academically Deadly

I personally love this quote by Jordan Peterson. It needs to become a mantra for the education system, as well as three pillars for the parent to build their child upon.

Considering these same three principles keep failing in our youth’s scores, the American Education System has lost its true purpose.

The inability for the individual to think, brings upon perils of ignorance in a democratic society. Many today calls for science But, if you notice they really call for the control of the narrative. Their own bias and self-worldviews overshadow critical thinking.

Communicating clearly through speaking takes time and practice. Take Ben Shapiro as an example of someone who can not only speak clearly, but very quickly. When debating, he speaks his points of content like a machine gun. This not only allows him to defend his view, but also attack his opponents who cannot articulate as quickly.

While you may know and understand the subject or material, the inability to communicate that knowledge through writing is pointless. I have been in many online conversations. I don’t like arguments. I find it is pointless to argue. If you are willing to have a conversation then everyone benefits, including the audience. However, at times, the individual with the opposing viewpoint will point out grammar mistakes, sentence structure, or other semantics before providing the opposing information. While this seems childish, the reality is, if you cannot properly write a cohesive idea, the opposer will point out these mistakes, using them to push those as attacks. This helps the opposing viewpoint by giving the perception you are not educated enough to understand the information.

At the end of the day, you need to continue to build these three pillars on a personal level. If the current education environment does not strengthen these, then find alternative methods.

#infobymattcole  #educationsystem  #quotes


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