Info by Matt Cole

Take a Picture

Take a Picture

While time technically is the same for all, it appears to run faster the older we become. This feeling of time slowing down or speeding up is a term called psychological time. A reference to temporal experiences relating to succession, duration, simultaneity, pace and order of perceived external and internal events. This is why some aspects of life appear to last longer than others.

The perception of time influences our emotions, perceptions and actions. When we feel rushed, we become more stress. When we are bored, time seems forever.

The quote is a push to take pictures, mere snapshots of our experiences, while commenting on unlimited storage. With today’s technology, our memory storage capacity continues to accelerate. Pictures help the individual recall, hence the quote tells us to stop, take a picture.

Much like many songs referring to the idea life is short, do not take it for granted, the quote  also reminds us we can lose memories as life becomes shorter. I personally urge everyone to hold on to those good memories the best you can, while continuing to move forward.

#infobymattcole  #quotes


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