Info by Matt Cole

Perfection and Excellence

Perfection and Excellence

Tasks and process deals with the actions providing an end goal. Depending on how well those tasks are completed affects the end goal. Even the smaller tasks will play in a huge impact. This is why we must excel in all our actions.

Jerry Moran quote sounds esoteric, speaking of the process being excellent. However, I read this quote in reverse, and see a truth.

Excellent process, perfects the end product. If we view this way, we can establish all tasks, actions when applied with earnest excellence, the final product or goal will come to perfection.

 Each day we perform small tasks toward the greater goal. The goal can be anyone’s individual desire or need. How we apply our ourselves toward those tasks will determine the end product. This may seem a no-brainer, but something to remind ourselves, as we continue the grind.  

We must try to excel in everything we do, including those tasks we despise. By doing so, the end product will come to perfection. I urge you to continue the good fight, regardless of your goals.


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