Study History to Change Present

Study History to Change Present

“If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.”

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Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher known for his Ethics. He was born in 1632, but his  ‘study the past’ quote still holds true today.

When asked many would agree with the desire to have the world be a better place. Parents desire for their children to have more opportunity, advancement, and less pain than they experienced.

To create a better future, you must change the present. Spinoza tells us in order to make that change, study the past. I believe life is cyclical, and if you note the patterns, you can be prepared for the changes. Additionally, this idea of studying the past is repeated throughout deep thinkers.

Today’s education system will not provide the student a comprehensive study of the past, in order to positively change the present. It falls on the parent, the mentor, and those desiring a better future.  

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