Stop Compartmentalizing The Sciences

Stop Compartmentalizing the Sciences

Stop Compartmentalizing

As I explore the Zettelkasten Method, one thing continues to stand out. The relationship, connection, or association content has with each other. 

What do I mean by this?

As we break down the content into atomic ideas, we start seeing similarities across the differing subjects. 

These similarities become compatible and give us additional ideas or help us broaden our understanding. 

The Narrative

I came across some videos, sharing the knowledge of little-known scientific minds, such as Walter Russell and John Keely. These were men who were ahead of our current narrative, involving scientific breakthroughs, much like Nikola Tesla. 

What stands out to me, is their research including all aspects of science, rather than micro-focusing on only one aspect, ignoring everything else. 

Currently, it seems we have compartmentalized our science studies, hindering us from seeing the bigger picture.

This may be due to being bias. 

Regardless, we can see the narrative focusing on a handful of scientists, while ignoring others. We are to believe the knowledge of Western Society has propelled us. 


The reality

If you look at the earlier scientists, they viewed all aspects at the same time. Philosophy, Empirical Evidence, Psychology, and all manner of the study were viewed and reviewed together.

However, today, we have separated these sciences and tend to mentally keep them separated during our studies. 

I have come to believe, this is a crucial failure. Whether by normal progress or purposefully keeping us blind, I am not sure. 

Interestingly, in a 90’s Dale Pond lecture, he comments America’s public education books changed, removing many scientific findings and teachings involving these advanced scientific studies.

A dumbing down on the textbooks occurred, while compartmentalizing the subjects.

Check out my post on the 1895 8th grade final test. It is an eyeopener of their expectations in education, compared to now.

I am planning to increase the Zettlekasten Method while connecting more of these dots. 

I believe this is why Niklas Luhman, inventor of Zettlekasten,  was able to be such a prolific researcher and content creator. 

He adopted the culmination of all subjects, rather than myopically viewing only one aspect.