Info by Matt Cole

Closing Schools for Covid-19 equals Education Lost

Closing Schools for Covid-19 equals Education Lost

Reviewing the article, As Covid-19 closes schools again, education loss may hurt millions of children for years, I pull the key points, with commentary.

Article in one-minute

The article focuses on the need of education access, while on the backbone high-speed internet accessibility. 

Interestingly, it does convey there is no evidence opening the schools equals an increase in Covid-19 transmission. 

This begs the question, why not open the school doors. 

There are many children relying on food through the education system.

The article establishes education equals opportunities. While 1 year completed school equals 10 % increase in earnings, I would add proper or valuable education to that comment.

Interestingly, Africa has a faster mobile speed available than America. Many Americans view their country as first world, we see other developing countries pulling ahead.

Showing nearly all Latin students out of school, education loss is now a social problem. 

While the article attempts to push high-speed internet access as an answer to the education gap, I argue to reopen the doors. 

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#KnowledgeShare, #InfobyMattCole, #CriticalThinkingSkills

Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. While not working full-time supporting the family, offering resources to improve critical thinking, technical skills.   

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