Best Way To Learn Critical Thinking?

Full disclosure, I admire Jordan Peterson. When I saw a short video of him discussing critical thinking, of course, I had to see what was said. Per Jordan, the message was quick, concise, and on point in how to learn critically thinking. However, it wasn’t what I expected. Best way to learn critical thinking? Let check it out.

Regardless, it makes perfect sense. He comments on how to learn critically think. I will have the video embedded on the bottom for citations.

Per Jordan, the best way to learn to critically think is to ‘teach them to write.’ Specifically, write an essay. I touch base on the outline provided by Peterson in this article. Within that article, link to the rubric and other sources.

Yet how is this method teaching our kids to learn critical thinking?

The difficulty is to truly teach proper writing is time consumption. You can tell someone it’s wrong. But to show the errors and provide feedback and instruction is consuming. This is partly why we see such a decline in our public education system.

A 2017 article spells out 12 troubling signs involving America students and writing. Within the article they list the following.

  • Four out of Five students are not proficient writers.
  • Only 27% of students can write a well developed, grammar and proper thought out essay. This is using grammarly and thesauraus.
  • 26.2% college graduates produce writing that is deficient.
  • Fewer than 50% of all college students feel their writing improved.
  • SAT writing scores are falling.
  • 17% college freshman require remedial writing classes.
  • Average fourth grader spends less than 4 hours a week writing.
  • Students also struggle with reading.
  • Poor writing costs employers $3.1 billion a year.
  • Students value texting over all writing forms.
  • Male students are struggling more with writing than females.
  • Students today do no consider writing a fun activity.

With the disruption due to Covid-19 regulations, ,the adverse impact with education will be more daunting. Having theh decision to homechool my own children, it was time consuming, stressfull ,and you constantly worry if your doing enough to provide all available resources to your children.

Forced homeschooling, as public education pushes kids on laptops brings additional stress to the family unit.

I emphasize the time spent is worth it for your child’s future. As Peterson says, ‘there is no difference in writing and thinking.’ We must teach our youth to critically think and able to communicate clearly through writing or articulation. it provides the child an effective means to battle and wins in today’s world. We must teach our generation and future generations. They must learn to critically think for themselves.

If you can think, and speak, ,and write you are absolutely deadly!

Jordan Peterson

Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. He has a desire to share critical thinking and information. With a Masters in Information Technology and a wide array of certifications, while not working full-time, he wishes to knowledge share through providing insight, information organization, and critical thinking skills.

#KnowledgeShare | Matt Cole | #infobyMattCole

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