The Philosophical Look at The Matrix

There are so many videos out there in the philosophical meaning for The Matrix. Admittedly, I come across some really standing out and well spoken. So much so, to replicate it would be an injustice. The Matrix is based on a philosophical question posed by the 17th Century French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes.

Wake Up

There is an agreement the first movie conveys the idea to wake people up. Wake them up from the shackles of the mind, and slavery with the Us vs Them mentality in order to control both sides of the faction. It is a message to Question Everything. Do you vote this party because your family does, or due to an actual critical view of the candidates actions and morals? Do you believe this religion due to a self-reflecting truthful view and it mirrors your personal beliefs and philosophy, or because it is expected of you.

All these questions, in of itself can be destructive to the society as a whole. The video above goes beyond red pilling the individual. Once the eyes are open with the true (perceived) reality, what then? There is a reason for the quote, ‘Truth is a hard pill to swallow.’ Many do not wish to know the truth. The character Cyber laments on choosing truth, rather than staying blinded. The Q movement also comments on ‘The Truth’ will shock everyone. A suppose reason we are slowly introduced to the reality around us.


According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. Another way to view this is groups consisting of two or more people interacting and identifying with one another.

If someone within an existing society questions the common territory, then the individual becomes a disrupter. Someone who goes against the grain, becomes an enemy of that territory and viewed as a threat. We see this as ‘whistle blowers’ are looked at as law-breakers and treacherous.

This is why I believe some questions can be destructive to the society as a whole. If we perceive as being lied too, and reject the societal setup, we will inevitable wish to destroy it.

A Lie within A Lie – Matrix

Much like this idea of rebellion is merely a way for the collective group to ‘feel free’ by breaking out of the mold, societal destruction may be the next layer of false reality. We are told in the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movie, Neo realizes he still remains entrapped within the Matrix. A necessary allowance of his rebellion to further the lie.

I see this in today’s current situation as well. As people continue to become frustrated, tired, that negative energy needs to be directed. Those in control create factions in order to push one ideaology onto another. Each fighting each other (directing their time and energy), they remain trapped in the struggle.

Left versus Right. Atheisim vesus Christationity. . Homosexual versus Heterosexual. Red versus Blue. Freedom versus Slavery. You can see these in play, as well as miriad of others. Perhaps it is in our DNA to struggle and require a need to fight. Those in the shadows knows this, and uses it against us. Note that? Here again, Us versus Them mentality. One cannot help oneself.

How Do We Truly Escape the Matrix?

In my opinion, critical thinking and continue to question everything. Careful not to ruminate. This sounds conspiratorial and honestly a bit negative. As the fight within the grey area intensifies, our foundation of belief will continue to shake.

Take most with a grain of salt. If someone is presenting information, regardless of what format, if worthwhile the person should say, ‘Don’t believe me, look into it yourself,’ We need to be conscious and accountable to ourselves. Don’t be a mocking bird. Look into it yourself. If not, you are part of the Matrix/Lie.

This is not to say for us to not participate in truth searching, or taking part in the conversation. Rather do not choose sleep, awake and review accordingly.

Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. He has a desire to share critical thinking and information. With a Masters in Information Technology and a wide array of certifications, while not working full-time, he wishes to knowledge share through providing insight, information organization, and critical thinking skills.

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