12 Habits of Successful People

Success can be defined by many things. When one thinks of success, the idea tends to lean toward those making it big in this world.

Cornelius Vanderbilt (May 27, 1794 – 1877) Vanderbilt amassed his fortune through his dominance of railroads and shipping. He built and controlled many of the most significant railroads in America, such as the New York railroad and the Grand Central Terminal.

Steve Jobs (1955 – 2012) Key figure in Apple computers. Credited with turning around Apple, and overseeing the development of iPod, iPad and iMac revolution, which saw Apple become one of most successful companies.

Bill Gates (1955 – ) American businessman, founder of Microsoft. According to Forbes, he was the richest man in the world from 1995 to 2007. His net worth in 2012 is estimated at $76.8 billion. He has recently focused on philanthropy – giving away a large portion of his personal fortune through the Gates Foundation.

Larry Page (1973 – ) / Sergey Brin (1973 – ) Co-founder of Google. Google has displayed one of the most dramatic growth of any business. From humble beginnings, Google is now an international giant dominating internet search.

What Are Their Habits?

Fortunately for us want-a-be’s, there are some similar actionable items we can also do.

  1. Wake up early.
  2. Learn from your failures.
  3. Do not conform, rather be yourself.
  4. Read like no tomorrow.
  5. Invest money to make money.
  6. Sacrifice is necessary
  7. Creative writing
  8. Purposeful Procrastination
  9. Continue to Improve
  10. Networking
  11. Exercise
  12. Meditate or Calm Yourself

Let’s Look Deeper

Wake Up Early.

The reason is studies show our mind is sharpest first thing in the morning.

Science suggests that the best time for our natural peak productivity is late morning.

For a 2011 study, 428 students were asked to solve a series of two types of problems, requiring either analytical or novel thinking. Results showed that their performance on the second type was best at non-peak times of day when they were tired.

Learn From Your Failures.

Nobody likes to screw up. Especially if you have a boss or peer who thrives on reminding you.

However, successful people understand the need to fail, in order to grow. Some things to keep in mind during a failure:

  • Realize it isn’t the end of the road.
  • It helps to redefine your priorities
  • It shapes what you value
  • It makes you more compassionate
  • It improves your perspective on finance
  • You are forced to revise your approach
  • You learn your true friends
  • You develop new methods to cope with your emotions
  • You look for a higher power
  • Realization success isn’t everything
  • Re-envision your goals
  • Learn better time-management [Source:]

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Do Not Conform, Rather Be Yourself.

You may have heard no two snowflakes are alike. Not the current derogatory term, rather the natural. The same holds true for the individual.

Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid

Reportedly Einsten

While society wishes people being cookie cut, the reality is each of us has a special gift (talent). We need to find that and harness it to the full potential.

This is also reiterated in the Bible as well. The point being, we must first ‘know thyself’ then accept and be our self.

And do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, for you to prove what is the good and well-pleasing and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2

Read Like No Tomorrow.

I personally view a lot of helpful online videos. However, there is something about reading a book.

Successful people crave knowledge. This is why they read everyday. I am not talking about fluff, but information involving their work, history, biographies, the real meat and potatoes to chew on.

Some benefits found in reading are:

  • Mental Stimulation
  • Stress Reduction
  • Knowledge
  • Vocabulary Expansion
  • Memory Improvement
  • Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills
  • Improved Focus and Concentration
  • Better Writing Skills
  • Free Entertainment [Source]

Invest Money To Make Money.

There never seems to be enough money to get or do all the things we want. There are plenty of so-called gurus trying to convey to you how to make money. Especially if you give them your money.

However, I believe the point here is invest in you or your business.

Invest money for that Gym, in order to get and maintain healthiness. This will reduce doctor bills.

Invest money for that education, in order to excel in the workplace, opening up more opportunities.

Just be smart about it.

Sacrifice Is Necessary

The mantra, you can have it all is a lie. There is always a trade-off. This can be personal time, time with others, or some other sacrifice. It does not matter. However, those with a single-minded goal will need to sacrifice something for it.

Creative Writing

While we may not get that #1 best seller, the ability to unleash creativity provides our mind relief and has shown to be beneficial.

Some benefits are:

  • Building confidence
  • Artistic Self-Expression
  • Imagination Boost
  • Thought Clarification
  • Better Understanding of the Mechanics of Reading and Writing
  • Empathy and Communication Skills
  • Better Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health [Source]

Purposeful Procrastination

Procrastination has a negative connotation. However, there is a difference in procrastinating (keep putting stuff off due to not wanting to do it) and purposeful procrastination.

“For me, purposeful procrastination is really a form of active procrastination, and I find it enhances my work performance.”

Dr Tom Buckley

Personally, I use this at times. An example is when someone wants me to review an issue. I will, at times, setup a call later that day or tomorrow to review. At times, a resolution may come before our scheduled call.

This purposeful procrastination saved me time.

In summary: Procrastination is putting off tasks that you have to do. Purposeful procrastination is the art of making this trait work for you. Giving yourself extra time to think and reflect can result in much better outcomes.

Continue to Improve

The reality is anything can be improved upon. In my opinion, this will always be the case. Especially when we consider advancement in technology.


When I was a kid, i was told, ‘It’s not what you know, but who you know.’ I never quite understood this, until much older. Unfortunately, we see in current news this is used for negative reasons. The old ‘good ol boys’ club has always been in play. This mentality is not confined to males.

When you work in the same field (work force), similar names are brought up. Those you work with, most likely will cross paths again later.

One of the things to keep in mind is to treat others with respect, regardless of current status. That peer could be your super later in life. I have seen it happen more than once.


Too many books, videos and material convey we all need to do this. Something I personally struggle with.

Mediate or Calm Yourself

The method of meditation is shown scientifically to improve one’s health. If you feel uncomfortable, I suggest time away from work/technology. Go camp, or walk on a nature trail. Personally, I require to step away and unplug to get rejuvenated.

Some benefits involving meditation.

  • Reduce Stress
  • Controls Anxiety
  • Promotes Emotional Health
  • Enhances Self-Awareness
  • Lengthens Attention Span
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
  • Can Generate Kindness
  • May Help Fight Addictions
  • Improves Sleep
  • Helps Control Pain
  • Can Decrease Blood Pressure [Source]

Matt Cole has high regard for knowledge share. He has a desire to share critical thinking and information. With a Masters in Information Technology and a wide array of certifications, while not working full-time, he wishes to knowledge share through providing insight, information organization, and critical thinking skills.

#KnowledgeShare | Matt Cole | #infobyMattCole