Info by Matt Cole

Matt Cole is an experienced analyst, author, and academic with the desire to share knowledge.

Podcast: Two Scenarios – Poor Management and Infrastructure

This week, two different scenarios occurred within two very different companies. One involved a hospital providing health services to a patient within a major healthcare system, the other involved a store branch providing cell and tv services within one of the largest communication companies. In this episode I want to provide two differing situations, what…

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P.A.R.A. Technique

I have been looking at content in relation to the P.A.R.A. technique and find it interesting. What is the P.A.R.A. technique? Glad you asked. P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives, the four top-level categories that encompass every type of information you might encounter in your work and life. The idea is to have four primary categories, where you…

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