Info by Matt Cole

The Zettelkasten Method

In my pursuit of building a second brain, I came across the original (or known oldest) method, the Zettelkasten Method. Zettelkasten Method Origin The German word ‘Zettelkasten’ means ‘slip box’, created by Niklas Luhmann. Technically ‘zettel’ means slip and ‘kasten’ meaning box. The scholar used slips of paper in a box while utilizing this method…

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P.A.R.A. Technique

I have been looking at content in relation to the P.A.R.A. technique and find it interesting. What is the P.A.R.A. technique? Glad you asked. P.A.R.A. stands for Projects — Areas — Resources — Archives, the four top-level categories that encompass every type of information you might encounter in your work and life. The idea is to have four primary categories, where you…

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The Knowledge Base

One of the areas I find myself circling back too is the knowledge base. Perhaps I spend too much energy, but I want to get the best method in maintaining resources, citations, definitions, and overall knowledge content. This must be in a repository for easy use. By definition a knowledge base is a technology used…

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