Python: Mini-Class Weights on other Planets

Python = Powerful & Versatile

Mathematicians, scientists and engineers love Python. Why? Because it makes complex calculations and iterative and repetitive tasks really straightforward to code and execute.

I created this Mini-Class to introduce Python Programming, while providing the student a working program. This is made as a beginner course.

Why Learn Python?

  • Ideal first programming language to learn
  • Boost your existing skills – growing demand for Python developers
  • Easier to master than languages such as C, C++, JavaScript, etc.
  • Universities teach it – both in computer science and other courses
  • Big companies use it – Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, Quora, etc.
  • Runs cross-platform – Python apps work on Windows, Mac, Linux

Course Information


Finding your weight on the Moon and Sun, using Python.
The created program will acquire the users weight value, then use that value to
find the user’s weight on Sun or Moon. The students project will have them find
the weight on other planets.

This class consists of six videos. 

  • History of Python
  • Download/Installing Python
  • IDLE Overview
  • Math Operators Overview
  • Data Types Overview
  • Creating a Program

Overall videos total 31 minutes and 36 seconds.


Creating a Python program to get the user’s weight. Then calculating and displaying the user’s weight on Earth,Sun, and Moon.

The student is then expected to provide the user’s weight on all planets.  


$20 for course
Epic Students? Click here

Python Mini-Class Weights on other Planets

$20 for class
Epic Students? Click here

Python Mini-Class

Python = Powerful & Versatile

Mathematicians, scientists and engineers love Python. Why? Because it makes complex calculations and iterative and repetitive tasks really straightforward to code and execute.

I created this Mini-Class to introduce Python Programming, while providing the student a working program. This is made as a beginner course.

Why Learn Python?

  • Ideal first programming language to learn
  • Boost your existing skills – growing demand for Python developers
  • Easier to master than languages such as C, C++, JavaScript, etc.
  • Universities teach it – both in computer science and other courses
  • Big companies use it – Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, Quora, etc.
  • Runs cross-platform – Python apps work on Windows, Mac, Linux

Course Information


Finding your weight on the Moon and Sun, using Python.
The created program will acquire the users weight value, then use that value to
find the user’s weight on Sun or Moon. The students project will have them find
the weight on other planets.

This class consists of six videos. 

  • History of Python
  • Download/Installing Python
  • IDLE Overview
  • Math Operators Overview
  • Data Types Overview
  • Creating a Program

Overall videos total 31 minutes and 36 seconds.


Creating a Python program to get the user’s weight. Then calculating and displaying the user’s weight on Earth,Sun, and Moon.

The student is then expected to provide the user’s weight on all planets.  


$20 for course
Epic Students? Click here