Info by Matt Cole


How the Education System is Failing our Children: Student Requirments

Due to the unbalanced ratio between teacher and students, it is difficult if not unrealistic expectations placed on the teacher to provide the individual student the adequate needs to understand the basic three R’s; reading, writing, and arithmetic. Due to the ever-changing environment, student today has much more information to acquire, digest, and understand in…

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Matt Cole is an experienced analyst, author, and academic with the desire to share knowledge.

Answering Questions

I felt it would be better to provide answers here to the discussion I am involved in over at Facebook: Jeremy Leveque made the inquiry to Danny Wild  “Where in the bible does it say it never rained? That doesn’t make sense. Where did the lakes and rivers come from in biblical times? From morning…

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Matt Cole is an experienced analyst, author, and academic with the desire to share knowledge.

Podcast: Two Scenarios – Poor Management and Infrastructure

This week, two different scenarios occurred within two very different companies. One involved a hospital providing health services to a patient within a major healthcare system, the other involved a store branch providing cell and tv services within one of the largest communication companies. In this episode I want to provide two differing situations, what…

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