I felt it would be better to provide answers here to the discussion I am involved in over at Facebook:
Jeremy Leveque made the inquiry to Danny Wild
“Where in the bible does it say it never rained? That doesn’t make sense. Where did the lakes and rivers come from in biblical times? From morning dew? However, waters from below to make craters like the one in AZ? Totally
I thought this was a good question, outside the sarcasm. So, I added my answer to this inquiry.
InfoBy MattCole replied to Jeremy Leveque
They get it from Genesis 2:6 “But a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.” Also found this…https://nastavnik124.ru/…/drevnie-civilizacii-do…/
The article goes into detail involving how the world prior to the deluge would be much different, as well as providing scientific findings involving plantation found deep in antartic region.
His response came quick.
Jeremy Leveque replied to InfoBy MattCole so you are saying that god totally changed the rules on how evaporation and condensation work after the flood, right? That is what you are saying? If you have mountains and fog and any kind of heat at all, you know what you get around the mountains? Rain. This is being misinterpreted. It is ridiculous to think there was no rain ever, anywhere on earth before the flood. So there were no lakes or rivers before the flood? So all of the freshwater animals of the world were created after the flood? How would Noah have collected the freshwater animals if they hadn’t been created by god yet? He was instructed to collect two of EVERY ANIMAL. There is no mention of “never mind the fish because you know, water”. (I am sarcastically using this as an example of something that could be misconstrued or misinterpreted in the Bible). This “no rain on the entire world before the flood” is being grossly misinterpreted.
I had to unpack his response the best way I could. I conveyed this to him in my response.
InfoBy MattCole Jeremy Leveque
Hey Jeremy. your questions were a bunch to unpack. Thanks for the patience in my reply.
“So you are saying that god totally changed the rules on how evaporation and condensationwork after the flood, right?”
Your initial question inquired where in the bible did it say it never rained. My answer was provided, “they get it from Gen 2:6.” To answer this question, no, I am not saying God changed the rules on evaporation and condensation. However, it is clear the earth was different prior and after the deluge. I provided the article showing this is why we find vegetation in the Artic.
Your idea of having no lakes or rivers without rain, before the flood is conjecture. There are aquifers, artesian wells, and other means to provide this. Again, prior to the deluge, it was literally a different world and landscape.
“So all of the freshwater animals of the world were created after the flood?”
This is something I been thinking of for quite some time. I think your asking how can there be seawater vs freshwater life, if the deluge covered everything. I don’t believe anything was created after the flood, rather natural selection allowed adaptation. We see adaptation occurring over time. A good example of this is the black form of peppered moth in the 1800s. Initially believing evolution, scientists now have identified the genetic change allowing adaptation.
“He was instructed to collect two of EVERY ANIMAL.”
Actually, he was only instructed to build the ark. It actually wasn’t two of every kind. Rather seven pairs of the clean animal and one pair of the unclean animals. Genesis 7:2. Interestingly, these animals came to him, rather than he gathering or collecting them. Genesis 6:19-20.
Sidebar: I know you used the fish as sarcasm and a point of mis-interpretation, but being a flood, aquatic entities wouldn’t matter.
He responded within 5 minutes.
InfoBy MattCole the ark and the flood are being taken way out of context. Why would God flood the world and kill people who could have no knowledge of Noah or the flood? People thousands of miles away would be dead with no explanation? Aquatic entities would matter. Apparently you don’t know that freshwater animals can’t sustain in saltwater and vice versa. So all of the different fishes were able to stay in their own little pockets of water to survive? So god hated all the other animals enough to kill them all, but the fish are okay. Over a year on the ark and not one animal was lost? 50,000 different species and sanitation never became a problem? What were they feeding the animals for a year? You realize how much work it would be to collect enough food for just two elephants for a year long sea voyage? FOR JUST THOSE TWO ELEPAHANTS. 4 to 5 bales of hay every day equating to around 60.000 pounds of hay for each elephant over the year. That is just the hay, not the other things they were eating. What about drinking water? Are we supposed to believe that a complex rain catch system was built by Noah to water all the animals down below or that he led all the animals constantly up to the deck of the ark so they could all hold their mouths open to the sky, What about all the insects? They certainly wouldn’t have survived. Was there another creation for the insects? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE. It sounds like sunday school fairy tale crap.
I will have to unpack this one too.