Emotional vs Rational Learning

Emotional vs Rational Learning

Emotional Learning is not Rational Learning.

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Candace Owens is known to be brash about her views. You can define brash as rude arrogant or strong and energetic. She is also known leading the Blexit movement.  However, she makes a good distinction between emotional and rational. This contrast is even more understood when it comes to learning. 

If you attempt to search on emotional learning, it will push social-emotional learning as a response in the search engines. The most known social-emotional study involves a meta-analysis published in 2011, by Joseph Durlak and his colleagues. It provided a better understanding on social emotional learning programs and their effect on children K-12. Emotional learning can have a positive effect on the outcome for the child, if done properly. But this is not what Candace is talking about. 

Rational learning has been held to a higher standard along with critical thinking. To have rational thinking is to have a clear understanding of the learned material and the relationships between its components. It also is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through the individual’s study and experience. 

When viewing the quote, emotional learning is not  rational learning, we can agree. This is a commonsense statement. 

In context, Candace is pointing out this obvious contrast, and applying it toward current learning when dealing with our children and the public. 

Rather than critical thinking skills with rational learning, we are given emotionally charged information, which reduces our ability to think clearly. Research has shown us, when we are very emotional our critical thinking abilities decrease dramatically. The more emotional we become the ability to think critically decreases and we lose focus. 

One cannot deny how media plays upon our emotions, regardless of which political side you lean toward. This helps control the individual to keep them listening and agreeing. Fortunately, many people are becoming more aware of this type of emotional learning and removing the source. We see this as cable news ratings continue to plunge. 

We as informational consumers, must resist echo chambers and emotionally charged presentations. Sit back and review all sides, while we begin to rationally review and use our critically thinking skills. 

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