Knowledge is to Share
I conveyed more than once, knowledge is not simply information. Knowledge goes beyond having information for the sake of instruction, advice or intelligence.
Knowledge is the practical understanding of a subject. This is an actionable form of understanding, allowing the user to apply real world practice. You can take the understanding and impact the physical world.
While we live in a time information is readily available, we have lost the means to hone in our critical thinking skills. This contrast of having the modern day tools and content, yet missing the maturity to study is crazy. Yet, here we are.
This is why I am attempting to personally create a memory bank and then will share that knowledge to others. It means nothing to have knowledge, while not paying it forward or sharing it with others. We cannot be stingy and hide knowledge, for the same of self-wealth. This must be freely shared, in order to break others from mental inequity.
#infobymattcole #memorybank #quotes #Payne
You can hear more of these insights on my podcast: