Johann Adam Weishaupt BluePrint

With any form of project, one must have a blueprint consisting of specific tasks and controlled reactions. The founder of the Illuminati Johann Adam Weishaupt had also comprised structure in the forming of the elusive Illuminati group while infiltrating into other organizations.

Simple View
  • Media Manipulation
  • Moral Depravity
  • Enigeered Agitation
  • Politically Correct Race Integration
  • Unmitigated Fear and Intimidation

Let’s define what this blueprint consists of, and if we see this occurring.

Media Manipulation

Media manipulation exploits the difference between perception and reality. Additionally, media manipulation is a means to control the public conversation, derail democracy, and disrupt society. The media aspect includes all forms of communication such as literature, movies, shows, news, the internet, and other forms of media. The word manipulation is self-explanatory, modifying the information to fit the desired story.

Moral Depravity

Moral or morality is concerned with the judgment of right or wrong of human action and character. While one can debate what is right or wrong, based on circumstance, culture, and personal belief, the term depravity defines the direction. To have depravity, you are corrupting or breaking down. The task here is to cause a degeneration of morality, causing society as a whole to sink into depravity.

Engineered Agitation

The act to cause or influence two groups to hate each other can be thought of as engineered agitation. This task is to keep two types of groups fighting each other while being manipulated. We see this easier today with race-baiting, keeping the contrast alive between the left and right, socialism versus democracy, liberal versus conservatism, republicans versus democrats, older generation versus younger generation, or women versus men. The dichotomy is endless.

Politically Correct Race Integration

Considering Weishaupt desired to spread this doctrine into all the major organizations to attain power, race integration is inevitable. Spreading into each organization like cancer within its host, the integration allows the once-separated racial and ethnic groups to have a common thread. As the world’s communication increased this common thread shared goals and desires. Multiple small groups of influence would shrink to larger groups, allowing the Illuminati rulers to gain higher and concentrated power.

We see this today, as companies merge to the point a very few control the majority.

Unmitigated Fear and Intimidation

The use of fear and intimidation to gain control over those opposing the movement is very powerful. Unmitigated means not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity. In other words, never let up fear and intimidation. This will wear down any individual or group. The use of mental and physical stress will ultimately break the target.


Considering the Illuminati was officially founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, modern-day Germany, we see these same tactics alive and well today. I surmise these traits are so intertwined in every culture, it will be difficult if not impossible to extract.

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