Altering Changes

Altering Changes

“Sometimes in life, a sudden situation, a moment in time, alters your whole life, forever changes the road ahead.”

Ahmad Ardalan, Baghdad: The Final Gathering


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Tiny changes in life are natural and should be expected. As we travel our individual roads, these small changes help determine our route, through experiences and companionship. However, there are certain events, perhaps tiny, that alters the road we walk drastically. These types of situations break our path to a new, often surprising direction.

Examples of pain and devastation comes to the forefront of our minds, upon contemplating these events. No surprise there. Approximately 90% of all media news is negative and does not appear to get any better. An social experiment was performed and found one website lost 66% of its readers when it published positive stories for a day. We are inclined to lean on the negativity.

Dealing with cancer, Ahmad Ardalan could mean this as he created the quote. However, there could be a different meaning involving the situation. Yet the result, changing our direction, remains similar.

I would also add small choices could drastically alter our course in life. These small choices may not seem significant currently, yet paves our future.
Be cognitive of your choices, attempt to be fluid and prepared for those altering events.

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